Produk Kecantikan  


Kebanyakan daripada kita tahu bagaimana untuk menambah kelembapan kulit kita tetapi adakah kita menyedari kepentingan mengekalkan kelembapan terlebih dahulu? Bahan-bahan produk penjagaan kulit boleh menambah kelembapan yang hilang tetapi jika kita tidak dapat mengekalkan kelembapan, ia adalah satu
pembaziran dan tidak membawa manfaat kepada kulit kita. Itulah sebab mengapa kita perlu meningkatkan keupayaan kulit kita untuk mengekalkan kelembapan sebelum membantunya menambah kelembapan.

Penghidratan Kulit

Kulit mengandungi 60-70% air daripada seluruh badan tetapi kandungan kelembapan akan berkurangan
dengan umur. Malah, lapisan belulang luar mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengekalkan kelembapan untuk
mencegah penyejatan, akan tetapi fungsinya terjejas oleh metabolisme dan keadaan kulit yang tidak stabil.
Metabolisme kulit biasanya mengambil 28 hari. Untuk kulit yang sihat, sel-sel baru sentiasa menggantikan sel-sel lama untuk mengekalkan keadaan optimum. Akan tetapi, tekanan kerja, pencemaran alam sekitar, tabiat pemakanan yang tidak sihat, dan sebagainya menyebabkan kitaran metabolisme kulit terjejas dan menyebabkan sel kulit baru tidak terbentuk dan sel kulit lama terkumpul di lapisan kulit, di mana keupayaan lapisan belulang mengekalkan kelembapan akan terjejas. Apabila lapisan belulang lama terkumpul di kulit, lembapan sukar diresapi dan menyebabkan masalah seperti kulit kusam, kasar dan garis-garis halus.


Memulihkan Metabolisme Kulit

R3 Factor Skin Defense Crème mengandungi aloe,
kolagen terlarut, dan asid alfa-hidroksi (AHAs) yang membantu
metabolisme, mempermuda dan memperbaharui kulit. Dengan
R3, kami bermaksud
Mengekalkan – menghalang kehilangan kelembapan untuk
Memulihkan – meningkatkan metabolisme untuk
Memperbaharui – membuang lapisan belulang
lama untuk pembaharuan kulit

AHA yang diekstrak dari tebu, limau dan epal adalah
exfoliant yang melonggarkan sel-sel kulit mati dari
permukaan kulit dengan melonggarkan bahan-bahan
perekat semulajadi yang mengikat sel-sel mati. Kulit
muda yang sihat adalah seperti span yang boleh
menyerap dan mengekalkan kelembapan. R3 Factor
Skin Defense Crème boleh membantu membaharui
dan mempermuda kulit supaya kulit kelihatan muda dan
lembut sepanjang masa.
Menenangkan Kulit

Rehydrating Toner mengandungi aloe dan ‘witch hazel’
yang boleh membantu menenangkan kulit, mengembalikan
imbangan pH, memperbaiki lapisan belulang yang rosak untuk
meningkatkan keupayaan mengekalkan kelembapan, dan
membantu penyerapan nutrien dari produk penjagaan
kulit. Selain itu, ia boleh membantu mengetatkan
pori-pori, dan menjadikan kulit lembut serta anjal
dengan formulanya yang bebas alkohol
dan tidak mengeringkan kulit.
Ramai orang salah faham bahawa menambah kelembapan bersamaan
dengan menambah air. Kekeringan kulit bukan sahaja disebabkan oleh
kehilangan kelembapan tetapi juga disebabkan kekurangan rembesan
dari kelenjar sebum. Inilah sebab mengapa kita perlu menambah
kelembapan dan lipid untuk kulit yang lembut.
Membentuk Satu Lapisan Pelindung

Marine Mask mengandungi madu - satu pelembap larut air yang baik dan
berkesan dalam mengekalkan kelembapan untuk melembutkan kulit. Asid amino
semulajadi dalam madu membentuk satu lapisan pelindung di bahagian
epidermis untuk menghalang penghidratan. Selain itu, lidah buaya, ekstrak
timun, mineral laut seperti rumpai laut dan alga dalam Marine Mask
membekalkan kulit dengan vitamin, mineral, dan asid amino untuk
menjadikannya lebih sihat dan meningkatkan keupayaannya
untuk mengekalkan kelembapan.
 Memperkuat dengan Lipid

Recovering Night Crème adalah kaya dengan minyak isirung
aprikot dan germa gandum gliserida yang menyerupai lipid
semulajadi dan boleh menambah kehilangan lipid; polisakarida
dan humektan membentuk lapisan pelindung terhadap
kehilangan kelembapan dan mengekalkan keseimbangan
Forever Alpha E-Factor mengandungi minyak biji borage yang
membekalkan kulit dengan asid gama linoleik (asid lemak perlu),
untuk menambah kehilangan lipid. Oleh kerana ia
mempunyai keupayaan penembusan yang tinggi,
ia adalah pelembap kulit yang baik. Selain itu, ia
mengandungi antioksidan vitamin A, C dan E
yang boleh mengurangkan kerosakan kulit
akibat radikal bebas.

                                                        Meningkatkan Kandungan Air

  Aloe Vera Gelly mengandungi gel aloe
vera yang mempunyai keupayaan tinggi
untuk menambah air, dengan
gliserin dan alantoin

Forever Alluring Eyes mengandungi gel aloe vera yang
distabilkan, skualan dan vitamin E yang melembapkan
kulit di sekitar mata; natrium hialuronat yang
meningkatkan keupayaan lapisan belulang untuk
menyimpan air supaya kulit lembut dan
kenyal sepanjang masa.
Tip Penjagaan Kulit
• Masa 10pm hingga 4 am adalah masa terbaik untuk kulit
memperbaiki kerosakan dan juga menyerap bahan-bahan
• Jangan lupa penjagaan bibir dan kulit badan, jika tidak lapisan
belulang akan bertambah.
• Penjagaan khas diperlukan pada kulit di sekitar mata disebabkan
penghasilan lipid yang sedikit.
• Jangan mencuci muka anda dengan air panas kerana ia boleh
mempercepatkan kehilangan lipid.
• Minum sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas air sehari untuk menambah
• Sapu krim pelembap dan minum air sekiranya kulit terasa gatal
(Jangan garu!).
• Letak segelas air di tempat kerja anda untuk meningkatkan
kelembapan di pejabat yang berhawa dingin supaya dapat
mengelakkan kekeringan kulit.

More than skin deep” is Forever Aloe Scrub ® . With its unique combination of stabilized aloe vera gel and solid micro-spheres made from pure Jojoba Oil, this effective skin cleanser is gentle enough for everyday use and strong enough to clear away the debris that accumulates in the delicate pores of the skin. In combination, these two natural ingredients will clear the way for the skin’s own unique renewal process, while helping to protect it from the drying and damaging effects of synthetic cleansers.

Forever Aloe Scrub ® gently scrubs away dead skin cells and debris that clog pores and dull the skin’s appearance, to begin revealing radiant “new,” healthier skin.

•Natural exfoliator for the face and body
• Prepares skin for moisturization
• Gentle enough for everyday use
 Facial Contour Mask Powder is a unique combination of rich ingredients, chosen for their special properties to condition the skin and cleanse the pores. It is designed to blend perfectly with our Aloe Activator and create a thin mask for easy application to the face and neck. The Albumen and Maltodextrin provide drawing and tightening properties, while the Kaolin absorbs excess oils. Allantoin and Chamomile will condition and help rejuvenate the skin.

• Blend with Activator
•Smoothes, cleanses and tightens skin
•Contains Chamomile to soothe and calm sensitive skin
• Combine with 1/2 teaspoon of honey for an extra special treat

This gentle, lightweight aloe gera gel formula works quickly and gently to remove eye makeup. Aloe Barbadensis Gel provides the caring, conditioning and soothing benefits that are perfect for the delicate eye area.

•Gently conditions and moisturizes eyelashes
•Leaves no residue – you may immediately apply eye makeup after use
•Unique, oil-free formulation
Forever Alluring Eyes® is a revitalizing under-eye cream, formulated using modern technology to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and under-eye circles. It is fortified with some of the finest ingredients to improve the suppleness and elasticity of the skin in the delicate and highly visible area around the eyes.

•Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
•Conditions eye area with Vitamin E
•Helps to reduce puffiness

Forever Epiblanc’s exclusive formula is specifically designed to brighten the complexion and even skin tone while helping to diminish the appearance of dark spots. Our 100% stabilized Aloe Vera is an excellent base for natural botanicals such as Arbutin (Bearberry), Rumex Occidentalis and Natural Vitamin E, resulting in this extraordinary product. Forever Epiblanc is most effective when applied directly to blemishes or dark spots on the skin. Use of Forever Living’s Aloe Sunscreen, in combination with Forever Epiblanc, is recommended during the daytime.

•Gently evens skin tone
•Brightens the complexion
•Diminishes appearance of dark spots


Excellent as a skin moisturizer and conditioner, Aloe Propolis Creme is a
rich blend of stabilized aloe vera gel and bee propolis, with other ingredients 
recognized for their contribution to healthy skin. Chamomile, one of nature’s 
best-known skin care herbs, is also added to the mix. Vitamins A and E 
complete the formula, recognized for their natural skin-conditioning properties.

Reach for Aloe Propolis Creme to help maintain a healthy skin tone and texture!

•Benefits most skin conditions
•Provides soothing relief
•Excellent moisturizer
•Combines aloe vera and bee propolis


After a long, active day, we all know the misery of tired, aching muscles. Now you can stretch no further than to grab a tube of Aloe Heat Lotion!

This rich emollient, oil-in-water lotion contains warming agents to make it the ideal massage companion for tired, muscles and dry skin. Aloe Heat Lotion is a pH-balanced, lubricating lotion designed for a soothing, relaxing massage. The deep penetrating power of Aloe Vera will help soothe your muscles after sports or that extra hard workout!

•Soothing relief after sports or working out
•Rich, emollient formula
•An ideal massage lotion
** dengan kata lain macam minyak panas la :) 

When you’re looking for soothing relief, reach for Aloe MSM Gel. MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, an organic sulfur found in almost all living organisms. In fact, sulfur is the third most abundant substance in our body.

The other main ingredient in Aloe MSM Gel is pure, stabilized Aloe Vera. Aloe MSM Gel combines these two powerful ingredients with herbal extracts and other select ingredients for soothing relief anytime. Try Aloe MSM Gel today!

•Clear, non-staining formula
• For soothing relief anytime
• Contains pure, stabilized Aloe Vera

Aloe First is an excellent addition to any first aid kit. This exclusive skin soothing formula provides a first line of defense against minor skin irritations. Formulated in a base of stabilized aloe vera gel, Aloe First contains Bee Propolis, Allantoin and eleven exclusive plant extracts:

•Bee Propolis increases the natural skin-soothing properties of the aloe vera gel.
•Allantoin is a skin rejuvenating ingredient found in many plants, including aloe.
•Eleven carefully selected plant extracts, also known for their beneficial properties, complete this powerful formula.

The combination of aloe and herbs provide a naturally soothing, pH-balanced spray that is easy to apply to even sensitive skin. Aloe First is designed to soothe the skin after minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and sunburn.

Other uses for Aloe First include spraying on hair to counteract the elements. It is even used in some hair salons as a pre-perm solution, as it helps to neutralize the drying effects of perming solutions. Aloe First is especially soothing after waxing.

•Every first-aid kit should have one
• Soothes minor skin irritations
• Counteracts environmental and chlorine damage to hair
•Pre-perming solution
•Soothing after-wax treatments
Aloe Lotion is a wonderful, all-purpose, skin lotion with a high content of pure, stabilized aloe plus Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E to moisturize and soothe the skin. Collagen and Elastin are added to this fine mix to assist in keeping the skin smooth and supple. It is an ideal choice for applying to dry, chafed, wind-blown or weathered skin.

Light in scent but long on soothing dry, irritated skin, Aloe Lotion quickly restores your skin’s delicate pH balance to keep it supple and soft. Our improved formula takes advantage of the latest breakthroughs in skin care technology to make Aloe Lotion feel sensational all over your face and body!

• Moisturizer for face and body
•Excellent after-sun moisturizer
•Hand lotion
• Finer texture than Aloe Moisturizing Lotion

•Very soothing

This unique lotion has outstanding humectant and moisturizing properties. It contains Collagen and Elastin to keep the skin smooth, soft and elastic while maintaining the skin’s natural pH balance. Thicker than our Aloe Lotion, it is ideal for replenishing lost moisture and restoring skin’s soft, silky feel. Aloe Moisturizing Lotion is excellent for face, hands and body, helping to counteract the effects of pollution and the environment. Once the lotion has been smoothed on and absorbed into the skin, makeup can be applied as usual.

•Moisturizer for face and body
• Excellent for hands
• Does not contain Lanolin
• Rich in texture

 Everything seems better when the sun shines, but this “silver lining” brings its own cloud! With today’s knowledge of the dangers of over-exposure to the sun, we seek only the highest quality skin protection products available.

Forever Aloe Sunscreen provides just that! Combining modern science with natural ingredients, this effective sunscreen helps to soothe, lubricate, moisturize and protect the skin against sunlight and wind. With an SPF of 30, Forever Aloe Sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays, while this silky, smooth lotion made with pure stabilized aloe vera gel, rich moisturizers and humectants, maintains the skin’s natural moisture balance.

•High SPF for more sun protection
•Strong, waterproof formula which retains its SPF up to 40 minutes after water activity
•Moisturizes skin to prolong your tan
•Safe and gentle enough for children
•After-sun and dual-action protection

Aloe Body Toner, a deep-heating, emollient cream, is combined with the power of stabilized aloe vera gel to shape and tone the skin. Formulated to be used with cellophane wrap, it contains emulsifiers, moisturizers, humectants and warming agents.

This specially prepared cream, designed for use in beautifying and firming the body, includes ingredients chosen to provide a rich warming and soothing feeling. Our secret is in combining aloe and select European herbs with two remarkable heating agents, Cinnamon Oil and Capsicum.

•Beautifies body while toning and firming
•Moisturizes and conditions the skin
•Superb combination of herbal complexes
Aloe Body Conditioning Creme is the ideal partner to Aloe Body Toner for keeping your
body feeling smooth and supple. These complementary elements of the Body Toning Kit, 
combined with proper diet and regular exercise, can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite. Both an imbalance in hormonal 

activity and high levels of estrogen can be contributing factors. It can also be caused by a
breakdown in the vascular system. (Nutritional supplements to help support the vascular 
system are Forever CardioHealth, Nature-Min, Absorbent-C, A-Beta-CareE). 

Aloe Body Conditioning Creme helps stimulate circulation under the skin, which can help 
break up the trapped fluids and fatty tissue that frequently cause cellulite.

A thick emollient cream, Aloe Body Conditioning Creme is rich in European herbal

extracts, emulsifiers and humectants. Effective as a massage cream, it can also be a 
spot rub for the entire hip and leg area, or for parts of the body which should not be 
wrapped. Applied after the toning process, this non-greasy, conditioning cream gives 
your skin a warm glow for a great all-over feeling.

•Stimulates circulation beneath the skin, which can help break up trapped fluid and fatty 

•Helps reduce the appearance of cellulite
•Effective massage cream
•Non-greasy conditioner